+91 8061948230

CardioMet Translational Lab: Developmental Biology, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

The central focus of our research laboratory lies at the dynamic intersection of Development and Stem Cell Biology, tissue engineering, pathophysiological studies, drug screening, and the potential for revolutionary cell replacement therapies for disease management and cure. Our overarching mission is to leverage the unprecedented capabilities of Human Stem Cell-derived 3D organoids to emulate the intricate cellular interactions and developmental pathways observed in living organisms. By doing so, we aim to unravel the complexities underlying organ development, differentiation, and maturation, while simultaneously bridging the gap between scientific inquiry and clinical applications for Cardiovasular and Metabolic Health.

Research Focus

Forging Pathways to a Radiant Future through Pioneering Scientific Research

Welcome to a realm of transformative scientific exploration, where we are charting bold pathways to illuminate a radiant future for unmet clinical needs in cardiometabolic health. Central to our pioneering spirit is the revolutionary concept of human pluripotent stem cell-derived 3D organoids. Within these extraordinary three-dimensional constructs lie the seeds of possibility — a canvas for disease modelling, a stage for drug discovery, and a platform for exploring the uncharted territories of potential cell replacement therapies. With unwavering dedication, we recreate the symphony of microenvironments and developmental pathways that guide the emergence of organs, gifting us with unprecedented insights into the mechanics of disease and novel avenues of treatment.

Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases encompass a spectrum of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels. These conditions can lead to significant health challenges, including arterial blockage, stroke, heart attack and failure. By utilizing the cutting-edge technology of 3D organoids derived from human pluripotent stem cells,

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the lab aims to replicate the intricate processes underlying cardiovascular development within a controlled laboratory setting. This approach provides an unprecedented opportunity to delve into the molecular intricacies of these diseases, uncovering the key genetic, biochemical, and cellular factors that contribute to their pathogenesis. Ultimately, this research holds the potential to revolutionize our understanding of cardiovascular diseases, leading to the identification of novel therapeutic targets, the development of precision medicines, and advancements in patient care.

Diabetes is a complex metabolic disorder characterized by the body's inability to regulate blood sugar levels properly. The disease can result from either insufficient production of insulin or the body's inability to effectively respond to insulin. The lab's focus on diabetes encompasses a comprehensive exploration of the

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processes governing insulin production, cellular response to insulin, and the intricate interplay of factors contributing to diabetes development. Through the creation of 3D organoids that mimic pancreatic tissue and function, we aim to dissect the underlying genetic and molecular mechanisms that lead to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This understanding could pave the way for novel therapeutic strategies, including targeted drug interventions and potential regenerative therapies involving the replacement of dysfunctional pancreatic cells. By advancing our grasp of diabetes at the cellular level, this research holds promise for improved disease management and enhanced quality of life for individuals affected by diabetes.
Diabetes Complications

The labyrinth of diabetes complications stands as a critical target within the purview of our lab's focus and expertise. By leveraging our multidisciplinary knowledge and advanced technology platforms, we are uniquely positioned to dissect the underlying mechanisms of diabetes-related complications and pioneer

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innovative therapeutic strategies. Diabetes Complication is a multifaceted challenge. Diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, carries a host of debilitating complications that impact various organ systems. These complications range from microvascular issues affecting the eyes, kidneys, and nerves, to macrovascular problems involving the heart and blood vessels. The intricate pathophysiological processes driving these complications demand a comprehensive approach that merges fundamental molecular insights with organ-level dynamics.
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TheSugarScience Podcast- curating the scientific conversation in type 1 diabetes

In this episode, Reena Singh joins us to discuss her research and one of her recent publications titled, Enhanced Structure and Function of Stem Cell-Derived Beta-Like Cells Cultured on Extracellular Matrix.

Australian Diabetes Society

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hPSC-derived Beta Cells with Enhanced Function

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